Marco was certain that Y/n Ashford had tried to escape again, injuring his massive bodyguard in the process. A man who could've easily overpowered her, yet somehow, he hadn't. Marco claimed the bodyguard had been following his orders, but Jungkook saw the holes in his story.
First, a man that size wouldn't get hurt simply by stopping a woman, even if he had been holding back. And second— Jungkook had been watching Y/n Ashford. Even if only for a short time, he had observed enough to know one thing for sure.
She wouldn't try to escape again.
She was smart. Sharp. Calculated. She wouldn't waste her energy on something she already knew wouldn't work. She wasn't reckless, and even if she was, she wouldn't be reckless in this situation-not when the consequences could be so severe.
His instincts told him something else had happened. And he needed to confirm it.
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